We are now offering Wildcard SSL certificates from inside our web hosting Control Panel. Just like the regular SSL certificates, they encrypt the connection between the website and the visitor, making it much safer to transmit sensitive information like login details or credit card numbers.

Wildcard SSL certificates are especially useful when you have one domain name and you want to secure multiple subdomains. Let's say that you have a large portal with a web store, a forum and an admin area:

  • my-site.com - your main website
  • forum.my-site.com - a forum
  • store.my-site.com - a web store
  • admin.my-site.com - an admin area for users to manage their profiles

If you want to secure each one of these subdomains with regular SSL certificates, you will have to buy a total of three certificates - one for each subdomain. With a Wildcard SSL certificate, you can secure all three subdomains, as well as any additional subdomains you add later on.

You can get a Wildcard SSL certificate from the SSL certificates section under the My Domains menu in our web hosting Control Panel.

With Regards,Your Web Hosting Team

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