Created on Friday, 01 November 2013 16:35 01 November 2013

Dear Customers,

We would like to let you know that we are currently converting all existing servers to a new file system called ZFS. We won't bother you with the details but just to compare it with the old NFS system this one is considerably faster and reliable.

The best thing about it is that the file numbers quota will disappear as a restriction on all shared hosting plans (on the servers we already converted its already gone!). As you know right now the limit is up to 50,000 files.

The new file system offers on-the-fly compression which will greatly increase the speed with which files are being transferred (lets say if one of the hard drives on the RAID breaks). Thus downtime will be minimized greatly. The write throttle is rewritten to produce much more consistent delays when under constant load.

All in all this is a great improvement to the existing cloud system which will increase the performance and load speed.

Best Regards,
Web hosting team